1 minute read

This is a simple method to call http using the HttpClientModule.

getBooks(): Observable<Book[]>{
    return this.http.get<Book[]>(BooksService.booksUrl);

To test it, first we need to ensure the HttpClientTestingModule is in the imports when we configure the testing module.

beforeEach(() => {
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule]

    service = TestBed.inject(BooksService);
    httpClient = TestBed.inject(HttpClient);
    httpTestController = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);

The TestBed.inject(<ClassName>) is how we can get the injected instances from our module. The httpClient is the same as from the HttpClientModule, but a new HttpTestingController is introduced in the HttpClientTestingModule to mock the receiving end of the http call.

A unit test for the above getBooks function will be as such

it('should be able to get books', () => {
    service.getBooks().subscribe(books => {

    const req = httpTestController.expectOne(BooksService.booksUrl);

First, the getBooks method is called and subscribed to. Then, we call our httpTestController to expect a single call from the specific url which getBooks is requesting from. We can then add the assertion that the request method should be a GET - expect(req.request.method).toEqual('GET');. Last but not least, we flush our desired mock result so that it can be picked up by the prior subscription of the getBooks method.

Last of all, we need to make sure httpTestController.verify() is called after each test to state that there shouldn’t be anymore outstanding requests. We do this by having the call in the afterEach() function.

afterEach(() => {

A working example of the service and unit test is available on my repository.